some research highlights...
Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Switches the Mode of Division in the Developing Nervous System, M. Saade, I. Gutierrez-Vallejo, G. Le Dreau, M.A. Rabadan, D.G. Miguez, J. Buceta*, and E. Marti*, Cell Reports 4, 2013.
Finite Cell-Size Effects on Protein Variability in Turing Patterned Tissues, J. Buceta*, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14, 2017.
A Predictive Spatial Distribution Framework for Filovirus-Infected Fruit Bats, G. Fiorillo, P. Bocchini*, and J. Buceta*, Scientific Reports 8, 2018.
A Markovian Approach Towards Bacterial Cell Size and Homeostasis in Anomalous Growth Processes, Y. Chen and J. Buceta* , Scientific Reports 8, 2018.
Scutoids are a Geometrical Solution to 3D Packing of Epithelia, P. Gómez-Gálvez, P. Vicente-Munuera, A. Tagua, C. Forja, A.M. Castro, M. Letrán, A. Valencia-Expósito, C. Grima, M. Bermúdez-Gallardo, Ó. Serrano-Pérez-Higueras, F. Cavodeassi, S. Sotillos, M.D. Martín-Bermudo, A. Márquez, J. Buceta*, and L.M. Escudero*, Nature Communications 9, 2018.
Mechanical Coordination is Sufficient to Promote Tissue Replacement During Metamorphosis in Drosophila, C. Prat-Rojo, P-A. Pouille, J. Buceta, and E. Martin-Blanco*, EMBO J. 39, 2020.
Self-sustained Planar Intercalations due to Mechanosignaling Feedbacks Lead to Robust Axis Extension during Morphogenesis, S. Anbari and J. Buceta*, Scientific Reports 10, 2020.
The complex 3D organization of Epithelial Tissues, P. Gómez-Gálvez, P. Vicente-Munuera, S. Anbari, J. Buceta*, and L.M. Escudero*, Development 148, 2021.
A Quantitative Biophysical Principle to Explain the 3D Cellular Connectivity in Curved Epithelia, P. Gómez-Gálvez*, P. Vicente-Munuera, S. Anbari, A. Tagua, C. Gordillo-Vázquez, J. A. Andres-San Roman, D. Franco-Barranco, A.M. Palacios, A. Velasco,C. Capitan-Agudo, C. Grima, V. Annese, I. Arganda-Carreras, R. Robles, A. Marquez, J. Buceta*, and L.M. Escudero*, Cell Systems 13, 2022.
Comprehensive profiling of neutralizing polyclonal sera targeting coxsackievirus B3, B. Álvarez-Rodríguez*, J. Buceta*, and R. Geller*, Nature Communications 14, 2023.

The growth project...bats...and muons...
We are interested in understanding the problem of growth and size/shape homeostasis in biology. This topic includes the regulation of size at the cellular level. Questions of interest are, how do cells control their size to achieve homeostasis?, what is the interplay between mechanical cues and gene regulation to trigger division?, At the collective level we are trying to elucidate, and formalize, the mechanisms shaping tissues. Questions of interest include, what are the mechanisms to reliably achieve the elongation of tissues?, how do cell pack together in a 3d space?,
We are also interested in combining approaches from big data and modeling to understand how viral zoonoses propagate and lead to outbreaks. We are currently applying these tools to quantitatively model the spread of filoviruses in bats in the African continent.
Last but not least, we are working on the effect of radiation in bacteria. In particular, we want to understand how muons modulate adaptability and mutagenesis. For this project we collaborate with the LSC underground facility and I have been selected for the 2024-2025 NASA Star Program.
Our research has been highlighted by media and popular culture. In particular, the discovery of scutoids has attracted a lot of attention, e.g. Colbert's late show, Meyers' late night, FoX, ABC, NPR, or The New Yorker. A full publication list can be found here.

Buceta’s Lab